Saturday, February 15, 2014

You CAN do it!

I have had several people tell me that they try to lose weight and the scale will not go down.  I have struggled with my weight for almost 20 years now.  I have always known that if I eat right, exercise and have my mind focused, I can lose weight.  By no means am I trying to say that is easy.  It is NOT!  You have to be ready to take "the challenge".  If you're not, you will fail.  I have had many times where a friend has said, let's do this together.  I just wasn't "there".  I would watch them lose weight and I just couldn't get myself in the frame of mind to do it.

I have had many times where I lose anywhere from 35-75 pounds and then gain it all back plus 10-15 more.  This time around is different for me.  I am constantly thinking about how I will keep the weight off.  "How am I going to handle maintenance?"  Before, I would always have a goal in mind.  A wedding, trip, family reunion, etc that I was trying to lose X amount of pounds before I attended.  I have found that is not a good way to do it.  For me, I would lose the weight, feel wonderful for that event and then it was done.  I would slip back to my old habits as soon as that event was over. 

My sister in law is getting married in June.  Normally, that would be a huge goal for me to lose weight.  This time, it hasn't been.  I know that I will feel good about myself that day but that is not what is all about.  That is a major accomplishment for me.  I know that if I let myself start thinking about how much weight I want to lose weight for the wedding, I am setting myself up for slipping back into old habits when it is over.  Yes, I am excited about taking family pictures that day and not feeling like I will need to hide behind someone.  :)

I used to think all of the time, "I just don't have time to exercise".  I work a full time job and have 4 kids.  I know it is not easy to find the time but I have done it.  Right now, my exercise of choice is walking outside.  It is my time by myself.  Many times, I will get home from work and walk for an hour or so.  I take advantage of my weekends and walk at least an hour a day.  It can happen, you can find the time.  You just have to make it happen!  On a side note, I am really looking forward to daylight savings time in a few weeks so that I can walk after dinner.  :)

I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight.  If you put forth the effort, it will happen.  I realize that not everyone is physically able to exercise.  For those people, it will take longer.  If you can't lose weight, it may be a medical issue (thyroid, etc.) and you need to see your doctor.  I realize that everyone's metabolism is different and not everyone is going to lose at the same rate.  That is normal.  I am very fortunate that I seem to have a good metabolism and can lose weight fairly quickly.

I have found through this journey that I feel so much better just because I am eating healthier.  I am learning that it is not all about the number on the scale.  Yes, it's nice to see it go down but there are so many more benefits than that.  I love the fact that I don't yawn all day.  I used to yawn constantly.  I now realize it was because of all of the junk that I was consuming.  Starting my day off with donuts, McDonalds, soda.  Soda was a whole other issue for me.  :/  (I now only drink it once or twice a week). 

You will never hear me telling someone they need to lose weight.  I have been in that place so many times myself.  I KNOW that I need to lose weight.  I don't need anyone reminding me.  You have to get to the place where you are mentally ready to do it for YOU! 

That is my rant for today!  :)


Keetha said...

So well said!

Kathryn said...

This needs a "Like" button!