Thursday, January 30, 2014

VICTORY and Weekly Weigh In

I weighed in tonight at Weight Watchers.  I gained .6.  As I was waiting for the meeting to start, I became very excited.  I realized that after 6 months of doing this, I was NOT disappointed in myself for gaining.  Six months ago, this may have been enough for me to quit. 

 I did everything "right" this week.  I know that I was eating healthier and making better choices.  I walked around 13 miles, so my exercise is not the problem.  Sitting there, what I realized was that in the big picture, I have lost 56 pounds in 6 months.  AND....  probably even better....  I feel GREAT!!!  That is what matters!  It has taken me a long time to get to the point of believing in myself and that I am worth this process!  I am worth being healthy.  I am worth being able to keep up with my kids.  I am worth being able to walk 3.6 miles without feeling like I am going to die!  I am worth enjoying life.  What a great realization.  :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!

You may not be able to tell, but my face is frozen in this picture.  I had just gotten done walking (yesterday) and was trying to capture my red cheeks.  :/

Trying to understand protein!

I am trying to understand protein.  It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  I drink a protein shake for breakfast every day that supposedly has 30 grams of protein in it.  You would think that would keep me full for 4 hours but it doesn't.  That's fine.  I prefer eating smaller meals/snacks frequently throughout the day.  But...I wish I could feel full more than I do! 

Right now, my exercise of choice is walking.  On the weekends, I walk first thing in the morning before I have anything to eat. I do not have any problems.  I could keep going and going and going...  During the week, I can't do that because I work.  (I'm not willing to get to the gym at 4:45, I value my sleep)!  I walk for about 40  minutes and start to feel the "let down".  By the time I complete 45 minutes or so, I am shaking like a leaf.  I generally eat a Fage yogurt before I go which has 13 grams of protein in it.  You would think that would hold me.

Since I started listening to the podcasts on Half Size Me, I have learned a lot about food.  I am realizing that I probably need more food each day than what I am eating.  I know I am right at the edge of figuring all of this out.  I have asked advice from an "expert" so I'm excited to hear what she has to say.  Oh, so much to learn!  Carbs, protein, sugar, fiber, UGH!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thank you!!

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have commented on the blog.  Many of you have commented at work that you are reading my blog.  I am so excited to be an encouragement to you.  It has been fun to talk to you about your weight loss struggles and successes.  When I started this last week, it was a HUGE step for me.  I have thought about it for a couple of months and have also prayed about it.  The main reason I started it was to be able to journal my weight loss journey and for the accountability to myself.  If I'm writing it down, I will never go back to the way I was, right?!  It was also a huge step to "announce" it on Facebook.  I am not one who likes extra attention.  I figured I would announce it one time.  

I was thinking today that I wish there was a special "suit" that I could put on from time to time to make me remember how I felt 6 months ago.  Kind of like they do on The Biggest Loser when they make the contestants carry the amount of weight they have lost up to that point.  I need to remember where I was and how much better I feel now.  Six months ago, my legs hurt ALL of the time.  My feet killed me constantly.  I would be sitting watching TV in the evenings and my legs would go numb.  I can remember sitting at my desk at work and dreading having to stand up.  I literally had to push myself off on my desk.  I was miserable!  For the most part, all of those pains are gone!  I do struggle with low back pain but I am beginning to think that is just a part of me and also hereditary.  If I could afford to see my chiropractor once or twice a week, I would!  :) 

We attended a beautiful wedding in Nebraska this past June.  I was at my highest weight ever at that point.  I was miserable.  I was so embarrassed.  I can remember sitting at the reception and just wishing I could go to my hotel room and put my "comfy" clothes on.  Don't worry, I thoroughly enjoyed the wedding/reception.  They are a beautiful couple!  :)

Some "little" things that I have noticed after 56 pounds gone:

1.  I can easily pull the emergency brake release on my truck.  (I used to let out a huge grunt every time I had to reach down that far).

2.  I can cross my legs comfortably!  I know that is probably not helping my lower back pain but it sure feels good after not being able to do it for years!!

3.  I don't think about having to stand up from a sitting position.  I just do it!  (Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about).

4.  I sort of enjoy getting my picture taken.  Don't get me wrong, I don't love it and probably never will but I don't run the other direction like I did 6 months ago.

5.  I am much more confident.  I do NOT ever want to be over confident but I believe it is good to feel good about yourself and be able to present yourself to others in a confident and respectable way.
Does that make sense?

6.  Shopping for clothes is much more fun!

Well, that is all for today.  I'm off to make dinner, pick Julia up at school and get ready for another day!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Couple of Recommendations

I have had a couple of people ask me about the book that I read.  It is called Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.  Here is the amazon link:
(I know there is a way to post a picture of the book on here.  Kathy will have to tell me how to do it).  :)  :)

This author is wonderful!  I learned so much about how to control my cravings by asking God to get me through them.  It may seem funny but it worked.  It was exactly what I needed to get me through the first part of my journey.

The next thing I HIGHLY recommend is this website:

I came across it several months ago and for some reason didn't do much with it.  I friended them on Facebook and enjoyed that part of it but that was about it.  About a week ago I decided to give it a further look.  The creator of Half Size Me lost 170 pounds.  After completing this, she started this website.  She has lots of podcasts on there interviewing people that have lost a substantial amount of weight.  It is so inspiring.  They are free podcasts and I listen to them while I walk.  They are each about an hour long.  There are all kinds of topics.  What a great way to get motivated.  There are also weekly meetings that you can join online, forums, blogs, etc.  This part of it costs a monthly fee.  I recommend giving it a look, especially if you need to lose a substantial amount of weight.  There is no set weight loss program.  She did weight watchers but there are lots of people on her site doing different things like Adkins, calorie counting, etc. 

Hope this helps.  I will post books, ideas as I come across them.  :)

This Week's Non-Scale Victories

I love to share non-scale victories.  These are things that are a change or improvement in my life that really don't have anything to do with the scale.  This week, I have two to share....

1.  Yesterday, we had a Dallas weather person (Colleen Coyle, Channel 8) visit our school.  I had my picture taken with her.  I realized afterwards that I did not cringe to have my picture taken.  I was even ok with posting it on Facebook.  :)   Six months ago, I HATED getting in front of a camera. 


2.  Last night, we ate at Lenny's (a sandwich shop).  I FIT in the booth!!  Six months ago, I had to try to push the seat back to fit because it was so tight.  I was so excited!!!

Getting my family on the healthy band wagon!

I have been focusing on myself and my weight loss and healthy eating for 6 months now. It really has been all about me. I am realizing that I need to start focusing on my family and their healthy eating now along with focusing on myself. I'm not really sure how to do that. There have been many meals where they have eaten one thing and I eat what I need to eat. My kids that are still at home are 14 and twins that are almost 12. My family is extremely supportive to me but they continue to eat what they want. We have made some changes such as no diet sodas for the kids and donuts once a week instead of 2-3 times per week. :/

I want my family to be healthy.  I know that my eating habits have been a huge detriment to my kids.  Oh, how I wish I could go back 20 years and do things differently.  Don't we all??  Last summer, we enjoyed going to the middle school track as a family and we would either walk or run.  It was so good for all of us and it was fun to see the kids being active.  Hopefully, once daylight savings time returns and it warms up a little, we can get back to that.  Right now, there is a lot of sitting in front of the TV.  :(

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weekly Weigh In

I weighed in at Weight Watchers tonight.  Down 1.4 pounds.  56.6 total pounds gone forever!!:-)    I feel great.  I am now able to cross my legs.  That may not seem like much but it has been a long time since I  could do that!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I have been contemplating starting a blog for awhile now.  It is a little scary and intimidating for me.  I work full time and have 4 kids and a husband.  Will I really find time to blog??  Well, that is why it has taken me so long to "take the plunge".  If I do this, I want to be committed to it.  I tried blogging probably 6 years ago and it went well for a little while and I got too busy to keep up with it.  So, here we go...  attempt number two! 

The main focus of my blog will be tracking my weight loss and sharing my healthy changes.  I started my weight loss journey on July 17, 2013.  As of right now, I have lost 55.2 pounds.  The main way I am losing weight is through the Weight Watchers program.  This time has been a little different for me.  I am really focusing on my food addictions and dealing with my binge eating.  Food has always been a comfort for me.  I like it when I'm sad, happy, celebrating, depressed, bored, working, alone, with friends, ok, I think you get the idea.  Food is one thing I have always been able to count on.  It is always there and it is up to me when/what I eat.  I will get more into all of my food issues in a later post.

The main reason I am starting this blog is for my own accountability.  If I'm putting it out there, I'm committed!  This is a wonderful way for me to journal my journey.  Also, if I can help one other person along their journey, that will just be an added bonus!  :)  I'm sure I will post about my kids from time to time.  They really are the highlight of my life!

Thanks for stopping by!