Thursday, February 6, 2014

My week and weekly weigh in!

It's Thursday.  Normally, I would be just getting home from Weight Watchers.  I was not able to go tonight because of the weather.  We had about a half an inch of snow today and it is too slick.  (I drive about 25 minutes to my meetings).  They ended up cancelling the meeting which made me feel a little better.  :)  I look forward to it every week.  I enjoy the meeting, people and time to myself.  It is my evening out.  I always go to Chick Fil A afterwards and eat on the way home.  I have decided I will just wait until next week to weigh in.  I'm ok with that.  :)

This kind of weather makes me want to EAT!!  We ended up making homemade pizzas tonight and I stayed in my points.  Now, I am baking chocolate chip cookies.  My favorite.  Ever since I started doing Weight Watchers (about 7 years ago), my weigh in night is my "treat" night.  When I was first doing it (7 years ago), I would binge after the meeting and my weigh in.  I always figured I had the whole next week to work it off.  I would have a list of foods that I had "deprived" myself of all week, and I would have a little of each of them.  I have since realized that was probably not the smartest and healthiest thing to do.  This time around, I do allow myself a treat but I have much more control with my choices.  I get a cookie with my grilled sandwich meal at Chick Fil A and then may have a small snack before bed.  I stay in my points for the day/week though!  So, tonight, my "treat" is the cookies.   

We have a snow day tomorrow!  Pretty awesome with only 1/2 inch of snow on the ground.  :) 

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