Sunday, March 16, 2014

No soda!

I have decided to give up soda for one month.  I have cut WAY back in the past few months.  The only time I was drinking it was when I ate out once or twice a week.  This past week was tough for me.  I think because I was on spring break, I was craving it more.  Not to mention, the more soda I drink, the more soda I crave!!  I only indulged a few extra times but definitely noticed a difference.  For some reason, when I drink it at dinner time, it really doesn't seem to bother me.  I think I can just sleep off the yucky effects.  (The caffeine keeping me awake has never been a problem).  But, this week I drank it two or three times at lunch time.  I really noticed being hungry for the rest of the day.  Hungry as in wanting to eat my arm kind of hungry.  I think the soda (diet, aspartame, etc) played a major role in that.  It was making me feel like I wanted to binge on sweets, carbs, etc.  I do NOT want to even go there.   I was able to resist those temptations for the most part. 

So, starting today, I am giving it up 100% for a month.  I will still drink my little crystal light energy packet once a day.  That doesn't seem to bother me and it gives me the caffeine I need to get through the day.  (I am not a coffee drinker).

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Good luck! I will be anxious to hear how it goes for you and perhaps will inspire me! I've heard and read a lot about the diet sodas having this kind of effect, but boy do I love my dietCoke!! Keep me posted!