Saturday, April 5, 2014

6 Month Thyroid Visit

I see an Endocrinologist for my thyroid.  I have had thyroid disease for probably 8-10 years now.  I had my 6 month check up on Wednesday.  She was SOOO excited for me that I had lost weight, am exercising, etc.  She has always encouraged me to do it but like we all know, you have to be in that place or it doesn't work.  My thyroid numbers improved drastically.  She said that the dose I am currently on is way too much.  She is going to ease me into a smaller dose.  I have been losing chunks of hair in the mornings which is a sign of thyroid issues.
She also figured up my BMI for me.  She said that when I started at in July, I was at 42.  Now, almost 9 months later, I am at 32.  Wow, just wow!! 

I was able to visit with her about a good goal weight for me.  I have always carried my weight well.  I think it has been a detriment to me in the past because people will say, "oh, you look good".  I always laughed on the inside because I knew that I weighed at least 275 pounds.  In no way does someone who weighs 275 pounds "look good".  I talked to the Dr. about it.  She told me that she thinks 200 is a good weight for me but that I should shoot for 185.  She really doesn't think I need to get much below that.  I told her that I agree with her.  Weight Watchers says the top of my weight scale is 164.  I do not think that is a healthy weight for me.  I think 185 is reasonable and that is what I think I will shoot for.  I need to be at a weight that I can maintain.  I do not want to be at a place where I can not eat anything to be able to maintain my weight.  I want to have some flexibility.  She will write a note for me for weight watchers so that I can be a lifetime member at this weight.  I was so excited to learn that my goal weight is in sight.  When you start out and need to lose well over 100 pounds, it seems like an unreachable goal and like you may never get there! 

Seeing my health numbers go "down" is so encouraging.  I want to be healthy and I am realizing that I am getting there! 


1 comment:

Kathryn said...

It's so great that your Dr. can help with some of these things and that you're getting positive feedback from her. You deserve *all* the cheers you get!!