Saturday, June 7, 2014

Weekly Weigh In

I was up .2 this week making my total gone forever 83.6 pounds.  I ended up working out right before I weighed in and was soaking wet so in reality, I probably wasn't up at all.  Also, I have had "huge" losses the past few weeks.  I am at a point where I focus on my averages.  I know the scale is going to go up and down at this point in my journey and I am totally fine with that!

I am almost done with work for the summer!  I have a few days to finish up and then I am off for about 8 weeks!  So excited for that!!  I am looking forward to working on my blog.  I have a friend who is going to help me with the layout.  I want to be better about posting, etc.  The past couple of months have been crazy busy finishing up the school year.

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