I have been contemplating for a couple of months now whether I should continue with Weight Watchers. I love the program. It has meant so much to me for the past year! (July 18th was my 1 year date). I have enjoyed going to the meetings, having a safe/secure place to weigh in each week and most of all, I have enjoyed Thursday night being MY night. I look forward to it every week.
I have really had to think through why I go to Weight Watchers. Honestly, their topics repeat. Most people probably don't stick around for a year so they wouldn't notice the repeating topics. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the leaders that I have had. It's not them. They are given a topic to discuss for the week and that's what they have to do. I get it. I just need more. One of the things I don't like is that once you reach lifetime, you have a 2 pound weight gain window (you weigh in once a month). If you have gone above the 2 pounds, you have to pay $13. Let's face it, there are times of the month that I can gain 2 pounds overnight or just by drinking a couple of extra glasses of water.
About 7 months ago, I found the Half Size Me Community. (See my interview in a previous post). :) With this community, I have found exactly the support that I need. There is a weekly online meeting, 24/7 support and I believe that I have made some lasting friendships with people all over the country. The support with Weight Watchers consists of their e-tools (online) and a 30 minute/week meeting. I have never really used the e-tools with the exception of looking up points for restaurants.
All that to say, I have decided to terminate my Weight Watchers membership. Believe me, this decision did NOT come easily. I have decided to make Half Size Me my main weight loss support. I will still count Weight Watchers points and follow their plan (mostly). (Over the past couple of months, I have changed some things up). Work/school are starting back up soon. I know with all of the commitments for my kids (football/band), I am going to be very busy going to this event/that event, etc. I would always get very frustrated when something interfered with my weigh in night at Weight Watchers. When you work so hard all week long, you really want to go and get on the scale. :) I think this decision will save me a lot of frustration. I will begin weighing on Thursday mornings when I get out of bed. I will post my weight and any loss or gain to my HSM group. They will keep me accountable. :)
If you are looking to lose weight, I highly recommend Weight Watchers. It is a great way to get started and for a lot of people, it is exactly what they need to get to their goal. For me, I'm beginning to see that I need to move on. Yes, I am scared. This will be totally new for me and I will really miss MY Thursday evenings. But, I know with the support that I have, I can do this!!
1 comment:
Good for you for sticking with it! You look great and I still think you could sneak out on Thursday nights once in a while. ;)
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