Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I LOVE donuts!  They are my favorite food in the whole wide world.  Our town is about to get a Dunkin' Donuts.  Not good...  They are open 24 hours.  :/

When I started this journey in July I knew I had to figure out what foods are considered trigger foods for me.  I have several.  Donuts, cake, pizza, brownies, cookies, pretty much anything baked!  I knew that most of these I could "control" with eating an appropriate portion.  Donuts is not one of those things.  I literally could eat a dozen donuts in one sitting.  I was at the point before I started weight watchers where I was buying them 2-3 times a week.  I would easily eat 3 or 4 at a time.  (I would then take a nap)!  :/  I decided then that I had to cut donuts out of my life.  I have not had a donut since July.  Hard to believe!  I am around donuts often.  They appear at work frequently.  My kids usually have them on Saturdays for breakfast and they just seem to be everywhere!  It has gotten a little easier.  I will take my kids to the donut shop, give them some cash and send them in by themselves!  I'm not sure it would be good for me to walk inside of a donut shop at this point.  The smell alone.......

I am not saying I will never have a donut again.  Maybe I will, maybe I won't.  My life has been just fine without them. 

I am able to eat my other trigger foods but I have to be very careful.  I don't tend to eat cake very often because it throws me into a sugar coma.  I can pretty easily do pizza.  I decide ahead of time how much I will eat and stick to it.  I always have a salad with it, that definitely helps!  I also enjoy making my own pizza.  So much less grease that way!  If I eat brownies or cookies, I definitely portion them out.  Dave wanted to make chocolate chip cookies on Sunday.  I told him that was fine but that he needed to put them away (off of the counter) once they cooled off.  If I would have had to touch them, well, that may not have been good!  I do NOT want to deprive my family of these yummy foods.  I have noticed that they eat less of all of the foods mentioned above because I am not bringing them into the house on a continual (very often) basis! 

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