Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly Update

I weighed in on Thursday night.  I stayed exactly the same....again....  I knew when I started running that I would struggle on the scale.  It's totally normal for your muscles to retain water for awhile when you change up your exercise routine.  I had myself mentally prepared for a gain.  All of that said, it's still a mental battle.  I feel like I work so hard all week, I want to see the scale go down, right?!?!  I have had to remind myself over the past few days that I feel smaller, I know I am losing inches, my clothes are falling off, Dave keeps telling me how much smaller I look, etc.   Those are what you call non-scale victories!  I know the scale will drop eventually.  I am trying to make this lifestyle all about the number on the scale.  It is a daily mental battle.  One that I am determined to beat!

I completed week one of no soda!  I struggled in the beginning but got through it.  The longer I go, the easier it is.  It is hardest when I eat out.  I have been ordering a large glass of water and mixing in a "true lemon" packet that I have.  It is "natural lemonade".  That helps, for sure!

Yesterday, I completed week 2 of my C25K.  It is going well!  I am a little nervous about this week.  I will have to run 3 minute stretches.  I KNOW I can do it and that I will feel so accomplished when it's done.  :)  I went to Luke's Locker yesterday and bought some running shoes.  I have never had two pairs of tennis shoes at the same time.  lol!  I am planning on wearing these only when I run.  I found out that the 5K I was planning on doing was cancelled.  I have got to find another one.  Kathy, I wish you were here and could run with me.  :)  If we are in Lincoln for Thanksgiving this year, we will do the turkey trot together!!

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