Thursday, January 30, 2014

VICTORY and Weekly Weigh In

I weighed in tonight at Weight Watchers.  I gained .6.  As I was waiting for the meeting to start, I became very excited.  I realized that after 6 months of doing this, I was NOT disappointed in myself for gaining.  Six months ago, this may have been enough for me to quit. 

 I did everything "right" this week.  I know that I was eating healthier and making better choices.  I walked around 13 miles, so my exercise is not the problem.  Sitting there, what I realized was that in the big picture, I have lost 56 pounds in 6 months.  AND....  probably even better....  I feel GREAT!!!  That is what matters!  It has taken me a long time to get to the point of believing in myself and that I am worth this process!  I am worth being healthy.  I am worth being able to keep up with my kids.  I am worth being able to walk 3.6 miles without feeling like I am going to die!  I am worth enjoying life.  What a great realization.  :)

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

*Great* outlook!! Proud of you!